Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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578 lines
* *
* **InfoDisk** *
* *
* The Newsletter-on-a-Disk Creator! *
* *
* and *
* *
* **DataMake** *
* *
* The Automated **InfoDisk** Data File Maker *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1991 *
* by John L. Hutchinson *
* *
* Distributed by *
* Fair Dinkum Technologies *
* Post Office Box 2 *
* Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 *
* USA *
* *
*************************** NOTICE ****************************
**InfoDisk** and **DataMake** are copyrighted Shareware programs
which comprise a complete newsletter-on-a-disk environment shell.
They may be freely distributed as long they are accompanied by
this documentation but may not be sold for profit or altered
without the written consent of the author.
If you think your organization could benefit through the use of
this program, send $20 shareware fee to:
Fair Dinkum Technologies
Post Office Box 2
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
Registered users will receive printed documentation and the latest
version of this software by return mail. Customized versions,
designed specifically for your organization are also available.
Suggestions for improvement and requests for technical support
from registered shareware users are welcome as well.
************************* ANOTHER NOTICE *************************
This version of **InfoDisk** makes use of the shareware program
'Deluxe Slideshow 2.0' (DSLIDE2.PRG) with the permission of:
John Brochu
Advanced Software
21 Northend Street
Peabody, MA 01960
Consistent users of this excellent, multi-format picture viewing
utility are strongly encouraged to make the modest $10 shareware
donation that John requests.
>>> Keep shareware alive! Support your shareware authors! <<<
**InfoDisk** is a utility written especially for Atari ST
User group newsletter editors who wish to put together an ST disk
based newsletter. Based on an original concept by Tom Bellucio,
author of the public domain program NEWSDISK, **InfoDisk** has
been designed to afford the editor maximum flexibility and ease of
use while providing an intuitive user interface.
**InfoDisk** was originally developed for the exclusive use
of ACE-NSW, a superb Atari users group based in Sydney, Australia.
After a year of development and hands-on use, it's now released as
shareware to the general public. The author wishes to express his
sincere thanks to all members of ACE-NSW for their patience during
**InfoDisk** development and in particular to their newsletter
editor, Greg Smith, for his support and valuable suggestions.
**InfoDisk** allows your readers to display or send to a
printer ASCII text files, view DEGAS/Elite/Tiny/Spectrum pictures,
and execute standalone programs from a familiar GEM menu environment.
Run the sample INFODISK.PRG program on this disk in either medium
or high resolution to get the idea how it works for the user, then
follow the instructions below to create your own newsletter disk.
-- Automatic display of an optional title screen.
-- Automatic display of 0-9 welcome text files.
-- Automatic display of 0-9 advertisement text files.
-- Automatic display of 0-9 advertisement picture files.
-- Automatic display of table of contents.
-- On-line help facility, default or user defined.
-- Supports ST Medium and High Resolutions.
-- Supports optional custom shaped mouse cursors.
-- Ability to run demo programs from within **InfoDisk**.
-- Display text files on screen or send to a printer.
-- View multi-format picture files on screen.
-- Up to 6 user definable menus with up to 120 menu items.
-- Separate **DataMake** program for easy configuration.
Creating your own disk-based newsletter is essentially a 3-step
1) Prepare a master disk,
2) Place newsletter files on master disk,
3) Use **DataMake** to create the INFODISK.DAT file.
1. Format a single or double-sided disk to become your "master"
newsletter disk. Then create the following folders (directories)
on the disk:
2. Copy INFODISK.PRG and READ_ME.TXT onto the root directory of
your master disk then copy DSLIDE2.PRG and DSLIDE.DOC to the ART\
directory of your master disk.
Now you must assemble the various files which will become the
electronic "pages" of your disk based newsletter. These may
consist of three types:
- text files (articles, reviews, letters, etc),
- graphics files (pictures and artwork),
- executable programs (PRG, TOS or TTP types).
There are certain rules for each of the file types which must be
strictly adhered to for **InfoDisk** to function as it is
1. TEXT FILES... Text files may be created with any word
processor or text editor as long as they are no more than 80
columns in width and are saved in pure text (ASCII) format. They
may be of any reasonable length but _must_ carry the filename
extension of TXT (e.g., REVIEW1.TXT). Place a copy of all text
files into the newly created TEXT\ folder on your master disk.
2. GRAPHICS FILES... Thanks to the multi-format support provided
by DSLIDE2 by John Brochu (see the shareware plea at the top of
this file), **InfoDisk** supports Degas, Elite, Neo, Tiny and
Spectrum graphics formats. DSLIDE2 also includes the ability to
convert color pictures for display on monochrome monitors.
You can recognize the different graphic file formats by their
particular filename extension as shown below:
----- ----- --- ---- --------
Low res PI1 PC1 NEO TN1 SPC
Med res PI2 PC2 --- TN2 ---
Hi res PI3 PC3 --- TN3 ---
All Degas and Neo compatible files are uncompressed, i.e.,
approximately 32000 bytes. Degas Elite files, on the other hand,
are compressed files and require considerably fewer bytes of disk
storage space for the same image. While Degas/Neo files require
more disk space, they can be loaded and displayed slightly faster
than Degas Elite files.
Spectrum files provide impressive 512 color displays on color
monitors but require considerable disk space and longer loading
Tiny format pictures support all resolutions, as does Degas.
If disk space is at a premium, consider using the Degas Elite
format; otherwise, it is recommended that you use the standard
Degas format for all your graphics.
Place a copy of each graphic picture file you wish to be available
for viewing from the **InfoDisk** 'Art Show' option into the newly
created ART\ folder of your master disk. Note that **InfoDisk**
has the ability to display low resolution DEGAS/Elite graphics
files (PI1 or PC1) in medium resolution. As low resolution
graphics are usually more colorful than medium resolution,
**InfoDisk** will give priority to low resolution files if
duplicates exist.
3. EXECUTABLE PROGRAM FILES... On occasion, you may wish to
include a small demo program in your newsletter disk that the user
can access from within **InfoDisk**. This is usually no problem
as long as the program file:
- has a filename extension of PRG, TOS or TTP,
- is less than 30000 bytes,
- is not a memory hog,
- and is fairly "well behaved".
The user should be able to select the demo program, execute it,
then return to the **InfoDisk** program shell just where he left
it. Your best bet here is experimentation under trial and error.
Place a copy of any such executable program you wish to include in
the DEMOS\ folder of your master disk. If you don't want to
include any demo programs on your newsletter disk, you may delete
the DEMOS\ folder as it is not otherwise required.
NOTE: Actually, **InfoDisk** supports running executable programs
from ANY folder, not just the DEMOS\ one. However, it is best to
be consistent by not mixing *.PRG and *.TXT files together in the
same folder.
USING **DataMake**
Now that you have your text, graphic and executable files on your
master disk, you must create a file called INFODISK.DAT which will
contain all your customized settings for the **InfoDisk** program.
While the INFODISK.DAT file could be created with any text editor,
it is much easier and more dependable to create it with the
standalone companion program, **DataMake**.
1. Run DATAMAKE.PRG by double-clicking on it from the desktop.
Once loaded, you will be presented with a skeleton drop-down menu
system with which you will customize for your disk newsletter.
The "Desk" and "Options" menus are required for use by
**InfoDisk** and may not be altered but all the other menus and
even the window title are editable. For a bit of on-line help
using **DataMake**, select "Help" under the '"Options" menu.
2. First, select "CHANGE WINDOW TITLE" with your left mouse
button. A dialog box will pop up allowing you to change the
window title from "**InfoDisk**" to whatever you desire (e.g.,
"ACE News, November 1991"). Use the ESC, Backspace and Delete
keys to change the title. Note that you are limited to a maximum
of 20 characters for a window title. Press Return when you are
satisfied and your new window title will appear in the window
title space on screen.
3. Now select the button labeled "CHANGE MENU 1 NAME". In the
pop-up dialog box, change the name of menu 1 to your liking (e.g.,
"Articles") in the same manner as you did in changing the window
title. You are limited to a maximum of 10 characters for menu
names. When you are satisfied, press Return to record the change.
4. Now change the remaining menu names as desired. You do NOT
have to use all 6 drop down menus. You may use as few as 1 but no
more than 6 (plus the non-editable "Desk" and "Options"). Just
leave menu names unchanged for those you don't need and they will
be automatically deleted later.
5. Now select one of the 20 drop down menu items from one of
your renamed menus. When the dialog box appears, change the menu
item to something descriptive of the text file you wish to link to
it (e.g., "Spectre GCR"). Note that you are limited to a maximum
of 15 characters for menu item names.
6. Now select the button labeled "LINK TEXT/PRG FILE". Doing so
brings up an alert box which will remind you that you must now
select the menu item that you wish to link a text file to. Close
the alert box and a standard fileselector box will appear from
which you must select the desired file. Remember, text files must
have a TXT filename extension and must reside in the TEXT\ folder
of your master disk.
Repeat steps 8 and 9 for all text files in the TEXT\ folder.
7. Once all text filenames have been linked with a menu item, you
may now link executable program files (PRG, TOS or TTP
filename extensions) in a similar fashion. Select the button
labeled "LINK TEXT/PRG FILE" to bring up the fileselector box
and select an executable program file from the DEMOS\ folder.
8. Then immediately select the menu item with which the
executable program is to be linked. Again, change the menu item
to something more descriptive (e.g., "Color Demo").
Repeat steps 7 & 8 for all executable programs in the DEMOS/
NOTE: If you don't want to have any executable demo programs on
this disk, just leave off the DEMOS\ folder. It's not mandatory
that it always exist on the disk.
9. At this point, your customized menu structure should be
completed. Insure that your master newsletter disk is in drive A
and is not write-protected. Then select the button labeled "SAVE
INFODISK.DAT" to write your custom INFODISK.DAT file to the DATA\
folder on the disk.
NOTE: You may make non-selectable menu items by prefacing the
menu item name with a hyphen (-). A row of hyphens making a
dashed line appearance is often used as a non-selectable menu item
to create a physical separation between menu items. In order to
keep these items editable under **DataMake**, a temporary tilde
(~) character will be substituted for the first hyphen in the
line. Under **InfoDisk**, these temporary characters will be
removed thus making the menu item unon-selectable as intended.
10. To double-check your work, select the button labeled RESET
**DataMake**" to clear the customized menu entries. Then select
the button labeled "LOAD INFODISK.DAT" and load your previously
saved INFODISK.DAT file from the DATA\ folder of your master
newsletter disk. Once loaded, your customized menu entries should
appear exactly the way they will in the finished product. Double-
check your spelling and file/menu item linkages until you are
satisfied and resave the INFODISK.DAT file if you made any
NOTE: Keep in mind that a medium or high resolution monitor is
only 80 characters wide so you may need to make some compromises
to obtain the best fit and appearance. While **DataMake**
supports up to 6 user-defined menus (plus the required "Desk" and
"Options"), you may not be able to use them all if your menu or
item names are too lengthy. Again, experimentation will provide
you the best results.
Select 'Quit' from the 'Options' menu when you are satisfied with
the appearance and linkages of your menu structure.
While your newsletter disk is basically ready at this point, there
are several special options available to improve its utility,
appearance, and ease of use.
TITLE SCREEN... If you would like a title screen to automatically
appear whenever INFODISK.PRG is executed, add a DEGAS or Elite
format graphics file to your ART\ folder and name it TITLE.???,
where ??? is the appropriate filename extension (either PI1, PI2,
PI3, PC1, PC2, or PC3). Don't forget to include versions for both
color and monochrome monitors if required by your users. Sorry...
at this time only DEGAS or Elite formats are supported for
optional _title_ screens.
WELCOME TEXTS... As an option, you may have up to 9 short text
files automatically appear immediately after the title screen. To
set this up, just add the text files to the TEXT\ folder and give
them the filename WELCOME?.TXT, where ? is a number from 1-9.
These "welcome" text files will be displayed in numerical order
and are handy for important announcements, editorials, etc.
TEXT ADVERTISEMENTS... You also have the option of having up to 9
short text files automatically displayed immediately after the
"welcome" text files, if any. These are intended to be used as
paid advertisements (since they are automatically displayed, users
_MUST_ see them) but may be used as desired. To use this feature,
just add the chosen text files to the TEXT\ folder and name them
AD?.TXT where ? is a number from 1-9.
NOTE: WELCOME?.TXT and AD?.TXT files are not intended to be
lengthy compositions. They should be limited to a single
screen's worth of information or a maximum of 23 lines for
each file.
PICTURE ADVERTISEMENTS... As still another option, you may choose
to have up to 9 DEGAS or Elite picture files automatically
displayed immediately following their AD?.TXT counterparts. To
implement this feature, just add the chosen graphics files to the
ART\ folder and name them AD?.??? where ? is a number from 1-9 and
??? is the appropriate filename extension for the graphics type
(PI1, PC2, etc). Only DEGAS or Elite picture formats are
supported for picture advertisements.
So, a typical run-time sequence could be:
1. Show title screen. (TITLE.PI1 or TITLE.PI3)
2. Show welcome1 text. (WELCOME1.TXT)
3. Show welcome2 text. (WELCOME2.TXT)
4. Show ad1 text. (AD1.TXT)
5. Show ad1 picture. (AD1.PI2 or AD1.PI3)
6. Show ad2 text. (AD2.TXT)
7. Show ad3 text. (AD3.TXT)
8. Show ad3 picture. (AD3.PI1 or AD3.PI3)
NOTE: Don't forget to include BOTH color and monochrome
versions of any TITLE or AD picture files if you want to
support both monitor types. It won't cause a major
problem if you don't do this however, as the program
will just skip over any missing picture files.
HELP... **InfoDisk** includes a built-in help facility which may
be called by selecting HELP under the "Options" menu or simply by
pressing the HELP key on the keyboard. If you wish, you may
create your own help text file which will take precedence over the
in-built help text. Just include a file called HELP.TXT in the
TEXT\ folder and it will be loaded and displayed whenever HELP is
called. Your HELP.TXT file must be limited to one page and no
more than 20 lines.
CONTENTS... If you wish a table of contents to be available to
your users, create a text file called CONTENTS.TXT and place in
the TEXT\ folder. If such a file exists, it will automatically be
shown to the user immediately upon entering the **InfoDisk** main
screen (after displaying any welcome and ad files). Users may
conveniently call up this contents page by pressing the "C" key on
their keyboards. The CONTENTS.TXT file may be no longer than 10
screens or about 200 lines of text.
CUSTOM MOUSE SHAPE... **InfoDisk** supports an optional custom
shape for the mouse cursor by reading from a file called MOUSE.DAT
in the DATA\ folder. MOUSE.DAT must be an ASCII text file
containing 32 decimal (word) values which define a custom mouse
shape. A sample custom mouse shape is included but if you do not
wish to use it, simply delete the MOUSE.DAT file.
NOTE: For you programmers out there, the first 16 words of
the MOUSE.DAT file form the bitpattern for the mask
(background) and the last 16 words form the bitpattern for
the cursor (foreground). The hotspot (upper left) and cursor
color (red) are not user-definable.
AUTO-BOOTING... as **InfoDisk** is a GEM program, it cannot be
auto-loaded from an AUTO folder unless TOS 1.4 or later is used.
Unless you can insure that all your users have TOS 1.4 or greater,
you should use a utility such as HEADSTART or STARTGEM to enable
auto-booting. Consult the documentation files of these fine
utilities for specific information.
Once you have made all the final adjustments, execute INFODISK.PRG
from the desktop to test your efforts. Ensure your options (title
screen, welcome text, ad text, ad pictures, contents text and help
text) all display as intended. At the **InfoDisk** main screen,
select each menu item to ensure text and program file links are
correct. You should also select "ART SHOW" and view all graphics
files with DSLIDE2 to ensure they display properly. Once you are
satisfied, exit **InfoDisk** and make a back-up copy of your
master newsletter disk to avoid any unforeseen disasters.
>>> Congratulations... you're all done!!! <<<
Now get someone else to make disk copies for mailing to all your
group members. After all, _YOU_ did the creative work, right?
USING **InfoDisk**
**InfoDisk** may be ran in either ST medium or high resolution.
Once the main screen of **InfoDisk** appears, the user has full
control of the program via selection of the drop-down menus:
"About **InfoDisk**" will provide author and shareware
information about the program.
"Output: Screen" (the default) will cause all
chosen text files to be displayed on screen.
"Output: Printer" will make a printed copy of each
chosen text file provided the user has an on-line
printer connected to his system.
"Art Show" will sequentially display each graphics
picture file in the ART\ folder (utilizing the DSLIDE2
utility in the ART\ folder).
"Help" will display the default help screen or the
HELP.TXT file in the TEXT\ folder if it exists. The
hotkey "Help" also activates this function.
"Quit" will return the user to the desktop. The hotkeys
"Q" and "Undo" also activate the "Quit" function.
Menus 1-6 (editor defined)...
Selecting menu items linked to text files will cause the
file to be displayed on screen or sent to the printer
depending on the choice made under "Options".
A number of commands are available while displaying text
on screen:
Clr Home top of file
Shift+Clr Home bottom of file
Up arrow up one line
Shift+up arrow up one page
Right mouse button " " "
Down arrow down one line
Return " " "
Shift+down arrow down one page
Left mouse button " " "
Selecting a menu item linked to an executable program
file in the DEMOS\ folder will cause that program to be
executed. When the program is finished, the user will
be returned to the **InfoDisk** main screen.
Special hotkeys...
The 'M' key toggles between 'arrow' and 'hand' shaped
mouse cursors and a custom mouse cursor (if a MOUSE.DAT
mouse configuration file exists in the DATA\ folder).
The 'C' key will display the CONTENTS.TXT file if it
exists in the TEXT\ folder.
The HELP key will display either the built-in help
screen or HELP.TXT if it exists in the HELP\ folder.
The 'Q' key is the same as selecting 'Quit'.
While it is highly recommended to use the standalone companion
program, **DataMake**, to create the necessary INFODISK.DAT file,
you may elect to create it with a word processor or text editor.
If you do so, the file must be saved to your DATA\ folder as
INFODISK.DAT in pure text or ASCII format.
You may define up to 6 drop-down menus and each one may have up to
20 items so use your imagination! Be sure to test your menu
structure first, however, to insure you don't exceed the physical
size limitations of your monitor.
That's it! Again, if you or your user group enjoy this
program and decide to use it, please send your $20 registration
fee as a shareware user to FAIR DINKUM TECHNOLOGIES at the address
shown at the top of this file.
Your suggestions for improvement, bug reports, special requests,
love letters and hate mail (well, maybe not so much the latter)
are invited as well.
Hope you enjoy using **InfoDisk** and **DataMake**.
John L. Hutchinson
GEnie mail address: JOHN-HUTCH
Version 4.15 15 Sep 91